Case Reports
Case report review services
The Provisional Psychologist Network has several supervisors who can provide indirect supervision to review case reports. If you would like to count such review as indirect supervision you can add the reviewing supervisor as a secondary supervisor. Adding a secondary supervisor is easy; you seek consent from your primary supervisor, then we send you a signed template to get your primary to sign and send to AHPRA. You can count the hours as soon as that letter is in the mail.
Our case report review services include review of your case report by a Board approved supervisor. You email us a copy of your case report and we will return it within one week. We review it to determine the assessment or intervention used, then review our supervisors’ skills to determine the best supervisor to review the report.
All reviews include written feedback and editing using tracked changes so you can see the edits and comments the supervisor has made, and rationales for such changes. Generally speaking, it takes a supervisor 1.5 hours to read and review a first draft of a case report. Further changes are generally quicker.
Fees for case report review are $187 per hour for all supervisors, other than Michelle Scibberas and Holly Denman (who charges $200 per hour).
Email us to access this service at
Case report training
We have developed a case report training that seeks to teach provisional psychologists on the requirements of case reports, how to structure them, how to avoid critical errors, and provide examples/a template.
Our case report training is housed on our online school that you can access at any time to complete the training. You will have ongoing access to the training to review the course at any time. Supervisees can log this training as professional development.
The training includes 6 videos covering the following topics:
Tips and resources for writing a case report
Understanding the foundations of case reports
Initial assessment and case formulation
Understanding the difference between intervention and assessment case reports
Avoiding critical errors
Step by step guide through the sections
The training also includes the following resources:
Templates for both assessment and intervention case reports with embedded checklist
Examples of an intervention and assessment case report
Initial assessment proforma to make sure you get the correct information for your case report
Tip sheet on initial assessment
Various other resources for Mental Status Examination, case formulation, and professional writing
Primary supervisees of The Provisional Psychologist Network are able to access the training free of charge. Secondary and external supervisees can access the training by paying for access.
Cost is $130.
Top 10 tips for writing case reports
Completing case reports is often the biggest hurdle of achieving full registration. The Provisional Psychologist Network wrote the following article on LinkedIn that you may find useful to review about the top 10 tips for writing successful case reports. The biggest tip: start them early! Don’t procrastinate on them, otherwise your registration can drag on and on.
#justdoit Embrace that anxiety and discomfort.